Recorded workshop: Explainable AI in Power Generation and Distribution

When energy experts and AI work together, hard problems like ramp-up optimization can be solved in hours instead of weeks.”
Thomas Mühlbacher, CTO Visplore

Many data-driven tasks in power generation and distribution require human expertise and creative problem-solving, so that they cannot be fully automated by artificial intelligence (AI) acting as a black box. In the process of building predictive models, deep subject-matter expertise is also necessary at multiple stages, including the formulation of the business problem, careful selection of plausible data, and the validation of the model itself.

This blog post features a recorded workshop (approx. 45 minutes) from the Applied Artificial Intelligence Conference Energy (AAIC Energy) in March 2022. It illustrates by means of practical examples from leading players such as ENBW and Verbund, how modern tools can empower energy domain experts to build, interpret, and diagnose predictive models on massive time series data.

More specifically, you will learn:

  • how interactive visualization can help making complex predictive models more transparent and use them for what-if analysis. This is demonstrated by predicting natural gas consumption.
  • at which stages of the AI development process human expertise is important and why.
  • how a multivariate predictive model for condition-based monitoring of a temperature sensor can be built within minutes from raw data by empowering users with interactive data and feature selection, as well as immediate model validation.
  • how a systematic analysis of deviations between model predictions and sensor measurements supports model selection and in-depth diagnostics in a way that scales for up to hundreds of predictive models.
  • how the optimization of ramp-up procedures of a coal power plant becomes a matter of minutes, when advanced algorithms such as pattern search as well as interactive visualization replace days of tedious manual data work by a few intuitive clicks.

If you have any questions, want to discuss your use case in a call with our experts, or want a trial of Visplore Professional, we are happy to get in touch with you!