Use Cases
Energy and Utilities

The energy sector faces major disruptions along its entire value chain – from power generation and transmission to trade and distribution. The expanding role of renewables and trends towards decentralization require frequent adaptations of processes and services. Making optimal use of the available data is the key to stay successful in this dynamic field.

Checking and cleaning data from energy systems used to be very time-consuming and kept us from our core tasks. With Visplore, data preparation has become much faster, and the quality of the resulting data has improved.

Visplore allows for a much easier investigation of relevant patterns and structures. Our downstream analysis becomes more efficient and we gain more confidence in the results.

Visplore is recognised and in use as a central strategic software for data analytics throughout the company.

For our thermodynamical simulations, Visplore helps us to identify suitable data, eliminate outliers, and analyze physical processes very effectively.

Visplore makes our analysis of sustainable energy systems much more efficient.
In addition to the performance for large data, its integration with scripting environments is a big plus.

The good usability and the comprehensive visualizations enabled us to gain a deeper understanding of routinely collected data and their relationships. For example, this increased the quality of forecast models.

Visplore enabled our maintenance department to predict bacterial attacks on a central cooling system. This has increased the average time between bacterial attacks from 19 to 49 days, allowing the plant to operate more economically and stably.