Time Series Correlation Analysis with Visplore
Save valuable time in your correlation analysis.
Correlation analysis is a key feature of every Visplore version, including Visplore Free.
All Visplore versions feature powerful interactive tools for correlation analysis. These tools will help you to discover and model correlations while minimizing the effort for data preparation and result validation.
Different product types form clusters that can easily be distinguished for correlation analysis.
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Discovered clusters can easily be selected to focus the analysis on the relevant cluster.
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When working with real data, correlation analysis can be full of challenges.
Outliers may introduce bias. Misleading results may be produced if the data consists of multiple clusters and these are disregarded. For example, changes to an industrial process may affect how sensors correlate with each other and require that correlations are computed separately before and after the change. In general, data preparation and result validation are important when analyzing correlations and may account for the majority of the overall effort.
Visplore reduces those challenges to a minimum – and saves you valuable time.